Making light work of brownfield extensions
Existing infrastructure can represent a challenge for project teams in new field development, but Jostein Lien, Senior Vice President of Products at FutureOn, discusses in his latest blog, digital tools remove potential barriers to successful outcomes.
Digital Twin Technologies are driving change across an energy sector in flux.
Innovative software solutions offer the keys to success in hybrid and complex project landscape. Our Head of Market Development in Latin America, Rodrigo Ferraz, explores the importance of harnessing digital technology to empower change..,
FieldTwin – a solution geared up for floating offshore wind’s challenges
It's been something of a difficult year for the offshore wind sector in the UK against the backdrop of a challenging policy landscape, continued supply chain pressures and concerns emerging over port capacity.
Building blocks for the future – the digital twin ecosystem
In his second blog looking at how the energy sector integrates digital across operations, FutureOn's Senior VP of Products, Jostein Lien, examines the importance of digital ecosystems.