Integration paves way for true digital transformation
Energy companies are achieving next-generation results in design, operation and forecasting by integrating digitalisation both within companies and across industry. In the first of a series of blogs discussing how industry can unlock the full potential of digital, Jostein Lien, Senior Vice President of Products at FutureOn, takes a closer look at the next generation toolbox.
Time to embrace framework for change
Collaboration and communication are central to the success of any complex project. And the more variables in play - companies, disciplines, technologies - the more crucial the need to share information and data effectively.
Digital tools deliver in era of optimisation
Challenging environment for oil and gas places premium on maximising lifetime and performance of operational assets.
FutureOn brings dynamic FieldTwin solution to the US wind market for Go Energize 2023
Change is on the horizon for the offshore wind industry in the US. This has been underlined by the US Government recently granting the approval of its third offshore wind farm, and the progress being made to hit its goal of advancing 16 more offshore wind farms by 2025.